With only 19 days to go until we hit the road to RV the country full-time, Lauren and Brady are beginning to say goodbye to their friends at school. It's sad for everyone to say goodbye, and Brady's first grade teacher, Mrs. Stone, said that several of Brady's friends are already saying that they are going to miss Brady.
As always, Mrs. Stone is brilliant and came up with the idea to send Brady off with a stuffed animal. So, meet our new travel buddies.... Muffin the Moose and Butter the Bear!

Muffin and Butter are going to travel the country with us. They will show up in all kinds of unexpected places. And when they do, Brady's friends back home will know (or have to guess!) where they are. At the same time, Brady's friends will learn some information about the state that Muffin and Butter are in--the state capital, state flower, etc!
Come join us as we travel this beautiful country with Muffin and Butter, who are hoping they will see some real moose and bears in the National Parks!